[de] Megan Malone und der Tote im Teich (Megan Malone ermittelt-Reihe 2) (German Edition) dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[en] Molly House
[en] Coral Sea Affair Drew Lindsay
[en] Molly House
[en] The Empty Place Graham Wilson
[en] [Stone Barrington 06] • Stuart Woods 6 Stone Barrington Novels Penguin Group US
[en] Weed I.D. Secrets Revealed Author & Company
[en] The '98 Reader The Lilliput Press
[en] [Stone Barrington 12] • Stuart Woods_Stone Barrington 12 G.P. Putnam's Sons
[en] [Hook and Jill Saga 01] • Hook & Jill Reginetta Press
[en] Heroes of the RAF Smashwords Edition
[en] The Glass House Berkley
[fr] [Matched 03] • Promise 3 - Conquise Gallimard Jeunesse
[en] [Meadowview Heat 02] • Trusting the One Bloomfield Publishing