[en] [Commentary on the New Testament 01] • Commentary on John Baker Academic
[en] [Commentary on the New Testament 01] • Commentary on Hebrews Baker Academic
[en] [Commentary on the New Testament 01] • Commentary on Philippians Baker Academic
[en] [Commentary on the New Testament 02] • Commentary on Mark Baker Academic
[en] [Commentary on the New Testament 19] • Commentary on Revelation Baker Academic
[en] [Commentary on the New Testament 10] • Commentary on Ephesians Baker Academic
[en] [Commentary on the New Testament 16] • Commentary on James Baker Publishing Group
[en] [Gutenberg 8827] • Weymouth New Testament in Modern Speech, Preface and Introductions Kregel Publications
[en] [Gutenberg 1582] • The Bible, Douay-Rheims, New Testament Scholar's Choice
[en] [Gutenberg 43533] • A Brief Bible History: A Survey of the Old and New Testaments The Westminster Press
[en] [Christian Origins and the Question of God 01] • New Testament People God V1 Fortress Press, SPCK Publishing
[en] Tyndale Bible - Pentateuch, Jonah, New Testament Theospace