[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • Hebrews Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] Devotions for Real Life Fleming H. Revell Company
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • Luke Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • Romans Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • Philippians Baker Books
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • 2 Corinthians Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] Journey to the Well Fleming H. Revell Company
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • 1 Corinthians Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] The World of Jesus Bethany House Publishers
[nl] Ben-Hur / Een verhaal van den tijd van Jezus' omwandeling op aarde Green Planet Publishing
[en] NIV, Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, eBook Zondervan
[en] Realm of Thorns Gram-Co-Ink