Found 34 books

[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • Hebrews Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books

Hagner, Donald A.

[en] Devotions for Real Life Fleming H. Revell Company

Carlson, Melody

[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • Luke Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books

Evans, Craig A.

[en] James Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books

Davids, Peter H.

[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • Romans Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books

Edwards, James R.

[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • 2 Corinthians Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books

Scott, James M.

[en] Journey to the Well Fleming H. Revell Company

Taylor, Diana Wallis

[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • 1 Corinthians Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books

Soards, Marion L.

[en] The World of Jesus Bethany House Publishers

Marty, William H.

[en] Realm of Thorns Gram-Co-Ink