[en] The Wagoner BWL Publishing Inc.
[en] Citizen Marg (Once Upon A Future, #1) Allison M. Azulay
[en] A Line in the Sand Talonbooks
[en] Sherlock, the Cat Who Couldn't Meow 4 Paws Games and Publishing
[en] A Dark and Dirty War Sanddiver Books Inc.
[en] Rangeland Ruckus BWL Publishing Inc.
[en] Imperial Ghosts Sanddiver Books Inc.
[en] The Freedom Swimmers Tony Chin
[en] Die Like the Rest Sanddiver Books Inc.
[en] [The Best American Short Stories 01] • The Best American Short Stories 2011 Mariner Books
[en] [Wishing River 03] • Wishing for a Cowboy Entangled: Amara
[de] Love in the City · Herzklopfen in der Oxford Street dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[en] [Canadian Heroes 02] • Real Good Man Liquid Silver Books
[en] One Story, One Song Douglas McIntyre
[en] [Julian Comstock 0.50] • Julian - a Christmas Story BERTRAMS
[en] Ice Massacre Rogue Cannon Publishing
[en] DISEASE · A Zombie Novel M.F. Wahl