[en] The Texican Way Auk Authors
[en] Steel Cavalry Goose Lane Editions
[pt] [Templar 01] • O Último Templário Ediouro
[en] [Sword of Cartimandua 01] • The Sword of Cartimandua Griff Hosker
[en] [Osprey Elite 110] • Sassanian Elite Cavalry AD 224-642 Osprey Publishing
[pt] Todo Dia Amanhece No Arpoador 7Letras
[fr] Les Cavaliers De La Pyramide - Inédit Livre de Poche
[fr] Les Cavaliers De La Pyramide Livre de Poche
[en] The Lathom Remount Depot of World War One Smashwords Edition
[fr] [Cavalier Vert 02] • La Première Cavalière Tome 2 Hérétiques
[en] [Wyldhaven 04] • Consider the Lilies Serene Lake Publishing
[en] [The Legend of Stuart Brannon 04] • Standoff at Sunrise Creek Crossway Books
[pt] Cento e quatro cavalos Rocco Digital
[en] [Stryker's Misfits 01] • Stryker's Misfits Piccadilly Publishing
[pt] A queda de Artur elivros.online
[en] [Blue Kingdoms 01] • Zombies, Werewolves, & Unicorns Walkabout Publishing
[fr] [Anges d'Apocalypse 01] • Le tourment des aurores Chat Noir
[en] Her Captive Cavalier Marina Oliver
[en] Civil Conflict Soundings