Found 31 books

[en] Tending Brigid's Flame Llewellyn Publications

Weatherstone, Lunaea

[en] From the Cauldron Born Llewellyn Publications

Hughes, Kristoffer

[en] [Druid 03] • Priestess of the Fire Temple Llewellyn Publications

Hopman, Ellen Evert

[en] Celtic Wisdom Watkins Publishing

Benedict, Gerald

[en] Dictionary of Celtic Mythology ABC-CLIO

Ellis, Peter Berresford

[en] Scottish Witchcraft Llewellyn Worldwide. Ltd

Meiklejohn-Free, Barbara

[en] Priestess of the Morrigan Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.

Stephanie Woodfield

[en] Arthurian Magic Llewellyn Publications

Chandler, Virginia