[en] Singing to the Plants University of New Mexico Press
[en] A Tractate on Japanese Aesthetics Stone Bridge Press
[en] Silver's Spells for Love Llewellyn Publications
[en] Silver's Spells for Protection Llewellyn Publications
[en] Silver's Spells for Prosperity Llewellyn Publications
[en] Ceremonial Witchcraft Smashwords Edition
[en] Mistakenly Mated Eternal Press
[pt] [Gutenberg 37879] • O culto do chá Relógio D'Água Editores
[en] Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs Llewellyn Publications
[en] 8 Panty-Melting Werewolves & BBW Witches Collection Phantom Monkey Publishing
[en] [Brilliant Darkness 03] • The Fire Sisters A.G. Henley
[en] A Grief Observed Bantam Books
[en] The Magickal Union of East and West · the Spiritual Path to New Aeon Tantra Llewellyn Publications
[en] Myth, Ritual and Religion — Volume 1 Senate / Random House
[en] Celtic Tree Rituals Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.
[en] Tying the Knot Twenty-First Century Books (Tm)
[en] My Cape Malay Kitchen Penguin Random House South Africa
[en] Native American Festivals & Ceremonies Mason Crest