[en] [Commentary on the New Testament 01] • Commentary on Hebrews Baker Academic
[en] [Commentary on the New Testament 01] • Commentary on Philippians Baker Academic
[en] 1 & 2 Chronicles Baker Books
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • 1 & 2 Peter, Jude Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] More Than Conquerors Baker Books
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • Mark Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] [Commentary on the New Testament 02] • Commentary on Mark Baker Academic
[en] [Commentary on the New Testament 19] • Commentary on Revelation Baker Academic
[en] [Commentary on the New Testament 10] • Commentary on Ephesians Baker Academic
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • Hebrews Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] [Commentary on the New Testament 16] • Commentary on James Baker Publishing Group
[en] First and Second Thessalonians Baker Academic
[en] Basics for Believers Baker Books
[en] [Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament 01] • Galatians Baker Academic
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • Luke Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • Romans Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books
[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books