[en] [Your Towns and Cities in the Great War 01] • Aldershot in the Great War · the Home of the British Army Pen & Sword Military
[en] A Million Bullets · the Real Story of the British Army in Afghanistan Transworld Digital
[en] [Gutenberg 49348] • Regimental Nicknames and Traditions of the British Army Wallachia Publishers
[en] With Zeal and With Bayonets Only · The British Army on Campaign in North America, 1775-1783 University of Oklahoma Press
[en] Blitzed Brits Scholastic
[en] Island of Ghosts · A Novel of Roman Britain Tor Books
[en] Britain's Rise to Global Superpower in the Age of Napoleon Pen & Sword Books Limited
[en] Bomb Hunters · In Afghanistan With Britain's Elite Bomb Disposal Unit HarperCollins Publishers
[en] [Gutenberg 57336] • Ancient Britain and the Invasions of Julius Caesar Books for Libraries
[en] Britain's Place in the World · Import Controls 1945-60 Routledge
[en] The Battle of Britain · Myth and Reality Penguin
[en] [Gutenberg 43750] • Ancient Man in Britain Senate Publishing (London)
[en] Inside the Welfare State - Post-War Britain Routledge