Found 2087 books

[en] Burning the Sky The Overlook Press

Wolverton, Mark

[en] Till the Boys Come Home Pen & Sword Books

[en] Wirral in the Great War Pen & Sword Books

Stephen McGreal

[en] Emergency War Plan University of Nebraska Press

Sean M. Maloney

[en] The Great War Illustrated 1914 Pen & Sword Military

Langford, William

[en] Beneath the Killing Fields Pen & Sword Books

Leonard, Matthew

[en] The Western Front Pen & Sword Books

Miles, Stephen

[en] Manchester in the Great War Pen & Sword Military

O'Neil, Joseph

[en] Shrewsbury in the Great War Pen & Sword Military

Nicolle, Dorothy

[en] Marcus Agrippa Pen & Sword Military

Powell, Lindsay