Found 62 books

[en] Born Translated Columbia University Press

Walkowitz, Rebecca L.

[en] Aeneid Book VI · A New Verse Translation Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Heaney, Seamus

[en] Beckett, Lacan, and the Voice (Samuel Beckett in Company) Ibidem Press

Brown, Llewellyn & Rabaté, Jean-Michel

[en] Deaths in Venice Columbia University Press

Kitcher, Philip

[en] Meditations on Middle-Earth St. Martin's Griffin

[en] The Golem Dedalus

Meyrink, Gustav

[en] Nest of Worlds Restless Books

Huberath, Marek S.

[en] Joyce, Milton, and the Theory of Influence University Press of Florida

Hogan, Patrick Colm

[en] Best of Jane Grigson Grub Street

Jane Grigson & Grigson, Jane

[en] The Waste Land and Other Poems Barnes Noble Classics

Eliot, Thomas Stearns