[en] [The Chosen One 02] • Journey Mireille Chester, via Smashwords
[en] [Frames 01] • Nica of Los Angeles Smashwords
[en] [Demonblood 01] • A Demon Made Me Do It Penelope King
[en] Blue Keltic Moon elizabeth struble
[en] [The Sweet Series 01] • Sweet Oblivion Bailey Ardisone
[en] Cloud Field
[en] Sherlock Holmes Nightmare John Pirillo
[en] [Beasts of Barakhai 02] • The Lost Dragons of Barakhai New York : DAW Books, c2002.
[en] [The Riven Chronicles 01] • ARC · the Almost Girl Strange Chemistry
[en] Flight of the Feathered Serpent Whispering Pen
[en] [Otherselves 02] • Amid Wind and Stone Entangled: Teen
[en] The Quarantined City infinity plus
[en] [Echo Power 01] • Echo Power Jacobsville Books