Found 51 books

[en] The Witch House Robert Perry

[en] The Real Witches of New England Destiny Books

Hopman, Ellen Evert

[en] Modern Wicca Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.

Howard, Michael

[en] [Spookie Town Murder Mystery 04] • Witches Among Us Kathryn Meyer Griffith

Griffith, Kathryn Meyer

[en] Cunningham's Book of Shadows Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.

Cunningham, Scott

[en] [McKenna 01] • Luna's Sokjan Kerry Davidson, via Smashwords

Davidson, Kerry

[en] Rediscover the Magick of the Gods and Goddesses Llewellyn Publications

Biasi, Jean-Louis de

[en] Throwing Stones Smashwords Edition

Reardon, Robin

[en] The League of Lilith Smashwords Edition

Sugrue, Rosalie