[en] Oscar Wilde Philosophical Library
[en] Notes on Chopin Philosophical Library
[en] Autumn Leaves Philosophical Library/Open Road
[en] [Gutenberg 60914] • Prometheus Illbound MONDIAL
[en] The White Notebook Philosophical Library
[en] Urien's Voyage Peter Owen Publishers
[en] The Vatican Cellars Gallic Books
[en] The Notebooks of André Walter Peter Owen Publishers
[en] The Pastoral Symphony Shanghai Sanlian Culture Publishing House
[fr] La Porte Étroite Gallimard Education
[fr] Les Nourritures Terrestres / Les Nouvelles Nourritures Gallimard
[fr] Si Le Grain Ne Meurt Editions Gallimard
[en] The Vatican Cellars Penguin Tcc Classics
[fr] L'Immoraliste Gallimard
[en] Strait Is the Gate Penguin Modern Classics
[es] Los Sótanos Del Vaticano Alianza Editorial
[fr] L’immoralista ePubLibre
[es] Los Monederos Falsos Biblioteca Breve de Bolsillo
[en] The Counterfeiters Vintage