[en] Gennaro's Passione Pavilion
[en] Gennaro · Slow Cook Italian Pavilion Books
[en] 1929 · Mapping the Jewish World (Goldstein-Goren Series in American Jewish History) New York University Press
[en] [Jamie Olivers Food Tube 04] • The Pasta Book Penguin
[en] Time of Gratitude New Directions
[en] Emerging Technologies for Education Springer
[en] On Freud's "On Beginning the Treatment" Routledge
[it] Scacco allo Zar Mondadori
[it] Notturno di Gibilterra (Italian Edition) L'orma
[en] Harmonious Hearts Harmony Ink Press
[en] Walt Disney and the Promise of Progress City Theme Park Press
[en] Keys to Freedom Saddleback Educational Publishing
[en] Acid-Base Disorders and Their Treatment CRC Press
[it] Stravaganze romane. Guida alla Roma da visitare senza orario né biglietto (FIRSTonline con goWare) goWare e FIRSTonline
[en] Let’s Cook Italian Pavilion Books
[en] Unbearably Right