Found 75 books

[en] First Contact Pinnacle

[en] Elsewhere X3 Coronet

[en] The Best from Orbit Berkley Publishing Group (NY)

[en] Worlds to Come Fawcett Gold Medal

[en] The Metal Smile Belmont Productions, Inc.

[en] Mystery at the World's Edge Allison & Busby

[en] Lords of the Kingdom Dragonblade Publishing, Inc.

Veque, Kathryn Le & Knight, Eliza & Johnstone, Julie & Fletcher, Donna & Cameron, Collette & Prince, Emma

[en] Before the Pyramids Watkins Publishing

Knight, Christopher & Butler, Alan

[en] Murder, Suicide or Accident Endeavour Press

Knight, Bernard

[en] Lords of the Highlands · Seven Great Highland Romances Dragonblade Publishing, Inc.

Veque, Kathryn Le & Knight, Eliza & Brisbin, Terri & Spear, Terry & Sinclair, Vonda & Roberts, Victoria & Brodie, Gwyn

[en] Disorderly Conduct · Alpha Males on Both Sides of the Law Four Carat Press

Roberts, Holly S. & Abbott, Alexis & Babylon, Blair & Hissong, Theresa & Knight, J.J. & Raine, Meli & Rigal, Olivia & Silverii, L.S.

[en] Love Everlasting Smashwords Edition

Knight-Catania, Jerrica