[es] [Summerville Sisters 01] • La Corona HarperCollins Italia
[fr] L'épine dans la chair et autres nouvelles Folio
[es] El amor es la felicidad del mundo Siruela
[en] The Man Who Loved Islands · Sixteen Stories Quercus
[en] Little Novels of Sicily Benediction Classics
[en] D. H. Lawrence and Italy Penguin Classics
[pt] A Virgem E O Cigano QuidNovi
[en] Selected Poems Penguin Books
[en] John Thomas and Lady Jane · the Second Lady Chatterley's Lover Penguin Classics
[pt] Filhos E Amantes Público
[en] D H Lawrence · the Dover Reader Dover Publications
[en] The Rainbow, 100th Anniversary Edition Penguin Publishing Group
[en] The Rainbow and Women in Love HarperPerennial Classics
[en] The Virgin and the Gipsy Vintage
[en] Lady Chatterley's Lover (Modern Library) Modern Library
[en] Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious and Fantasia of the Unconscious Dover Publications
[da] Sønner Og Elskere Aschehoug
[en] D. H. Lawrence the Dover Reader Dover Publications