[es] Mentira y sortilegio Lumen
[en] The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change Regnery Publishing
[it] L'isola di Arturo Einaudi
[en] Arturo's Island Liveright
[en] [Eco-Adventure Series 01] • A Wing and a Prayer Grey Gecko Press
[en] New Italian Women · A Collection of Short Fiction Italica Press
[en] Second Childhood PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
[en] Death in the Cup Dean Street Press
[it] L'Altalena Rossa Rubbettino Editore
[pt] A órbita dos caracóis Cia da Letras
[en] The Pardoner's Crime Sapere Books
[es] Reinas Malditas PLAZA & JANES
[es] El Silencio De Las Sirenas Anagrama
[es] Arte De Las Putas ePubLibre
[en] Jesus, My Father, the CIA, and Me Thomas Nelson
[en] The Monster Megapack Wildside Press
[it] Amore, Cucina E Curry Neri Pozza
[en] Jesus, My Father, the CIA & Me. . . Of Sorts Thomas Nelson