[en] Philip and the Mummy Gypsy Shadow Publishing, LLC
[en] [The Chronicles of Arden 02] • Nightfall Sun and Shadow Publishing, LLC.
[en] [The Chronicles of Arden 03] • Battle Dawn Sun and Shadow Publishing, LLC.
[en] [Venom 03] • Toxic Dark Shadows Publishing, LLC
[en] [The Complex 01] • Blood of Brekkon Dark Shadows Publishing, LLC
[en] [Venom 01] • Venom Dark Shadows Publishing, LLC
[en] [The Biker 02] • Surviving the Biker Dark Shadows Publishing, LLC
[en] [The Biker 07] • Luring the Biker Dark Shadows Publishing, LLC
[en] Shiver (Night Roamers - Book Two) A Vampire Adventure With Romance and Suspense Dark Shadows Publishing, LLC
[en] Toxic (Venom Series) Book Three Dark Shadows Publishing, LLC
[en] Venom (Vampire Romance) Book One Dark Shadows Publishing, LLC
[en] [Unknown Identity 03] • Unexposed Dark Shadow Publishing
[en] Darlings of Paranormal Romance Dark Shadows Publishing
[en] Body of Shadows Shadows Publishing Group, Inc.
[en] Digging at the Crossroads of Time Shadowtown Publishing
[en] Breathless Dark Shadows Publishing
[en] Breathless (Tales of Paranormal Romance & Fantasy) Dark Shadows Publishing
[en] Empire of Dragons (Cursed Empire Book 1) Dragon Shadow Publishing
[en] But Not For Vengeance: A Clint Wolf Novel (Clint Wolf Mystery Series Book 23) Death Shadow Press, LLC
[en] Fangs in the Shadow: A Red Mountain Mystery (Red Mountain Mystery Series Book 1) Death Shadow Press, LLC