[en] A Place Called Freedom Random House, Inc.
[en] Petals on the River Avon
[en] A Marked Man Berkley Trade
[en] The Ninth Daughter Gale
[en] The Crucible Penguin Classics
[en] Petticoat Spy Covenant Communications, Inc.
[en] Betsy Ross Marilyn Clay
[en] American Demagogues: The Great Awakening and the Rise and Fall of Populism Pegasus Books
[en] [Osprey Campaign 273] • Point Pleasant 1774 Osprey Publishing
[pt] Poesia E Pensamento Em Hölderlin E Heidegger SciELO - Editora UNESP
[en] [Gulf Coast Chronicles 02] • The Creole Princess Fleming H. Revell Company
[en] Worlds the Shawnees Made · Migration and Violence in Early America University of North Carolina Press