Found 100 books

[en] Human Trafficking Around the World Columbia University Press

Hepburn, Stephanie

[en] Druglord · Guns, Powder and Pay-Offs Mainstream Digital

Johnson, Graham

[pt] Mentes Criminosas & Crimes Assustadores Editora Ediouro

Douglas, John & Oishaker, Mark

[en] The Black Minutes Grove Press, Black Cat

Solares, Martín

[en] The Loose Screw Apex Publishing

[en] Honor 'N' Duty Entangled Publishing, LLC

[en] The Schoolgirl Strangler Bonnier Publishing Fiction

Katherine Kovacic

[en] Murder on the Docks BWL Publishing Inc.

Doucette, H. Paul

[en] [Bitch 03] • The Bitch is Back Triple Crown Publications

King, Joy Deja