[en] Foucault's Futures: A Critique of Reproductive Reason ColumbiaUP
[de] Das Summen unter der Haut Insel Verlag
[en] The Horse Mistress R. A. Steffan
[en] Alonso Munich is Now Dead Less Than Three Press, LLC
[en] Bonds of Contrition Maquel A Jacob
[eng] She Doesn't Want the Worms! Ella no quiere los gusanos Karl Beckstrand
[en] Cloud Wrangler J Hill Ink
[en] Throwing Stones Robin Reardon
[en] Sideshow Concessions Invisible Publishing
[en] Remaking Morgan Terry Odell
[en] Across the Stars: Dazon Agenda, #5 Amourisa Press
[en] New Sensations Laran Mithras
[en] A Possibility of Whales Algonquin Books
[en] The Kramski Case Cool Millennium
[en] Make Me Safe 13 Doors Publications
[en] The Four Profound Weaves Tachyon Publications