Found 141 books

[en] The Greek myths Penguin Books

Graves, Robert

[en] Light and Darkness in Ancient Greek Myth and Religion Lexington Books

Menelaos Christopoulos & Olga Levaniouk

[en] The Twelve Labors of Nick Lone Wolf Press Ltd.

[en] The Scent of Ancient Magic University of Michigan Press (limited)

Britta K. Ager;

[en] The Last Hero Hilary Green

[en] The Mind of Thucydides Cornell

Jacqueline de Romilly

[en] Body Language Kayla Jameth

[en] Daughter of the Sea Mira Zamin

[en] Love and World Eaters Books to Go Now

Wisseman, Nick

[en] Jason Muriwai Books

[en] Twilight of the Hellenistic World Pen & Sword Military

Roberts, Mike,Bennett, Bob

[en] Nightjar M/M Romance Group @ Goodreads

Parra, Gabbo De la

[en] The Queen of the Air Rinsland Press

[en] Wars of the Ancient Greeks Harper Perennial

Hanson, Victor Davis