Found 74 books

[en] The Battle of Aughrim 1691 The History Press

Michael McNally

[en] The Ottoman Empire the Classical Age 1300-1600 George Weidenfeld & Nicholson

Inalcik, Halil

[en] Gunpowder Plots · A Celebration of 400 Years of Bonfire Night Penguin UK

Fraser, Antonia & Buchanan, Brenda & Cannadine, David & Cressy, David & Champion, Justin & Jay, Mike & Croft, Pauline

[it] La guerra dei contadini in Germania Editori riuniti

Engels, Friedrich

[en] Exile Delacorte Books for Young Readers

Cavendish, Lady Grace

[en] The Borgias Constable

Hibbert, Christopher