[en] Most Ardently Entangled Publishing, LLC
[es] El equívoco HDOC Publisher
[en] A Second Chance Bryan Mooney
[en] The God Algorithm Front Porch Associates
[es] El Mensajero de Agartha Adolfo Sagastume
[en] Crossed by the Stars · A Second-chance, Slow-burn Romance LJ Evans Books
[de] Mord auf High Heels (Josie Marcus-Reihe 2) dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[de] Der Tod von Dr. Watson · Ein Fall für Inspektor Lestrade (Inspektor Lestrade Krimi-Reihe 4) dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[de] Love in the City · Herzklopfen in der Oxford Street dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[de] Der Buchdruck als Grundlage der Reformation GRIN Verlag
[en] The Lucid Series · Android Uprising Unbelievable Universe
[en] The Lucid Series_Android Uprising Unbelievable Universe
[en] A Cougar Among Wolves Decadent Publishing
[pt] [A vida no mundo espiritual 05] • No Mundo Maior Edicei of America
[pt] [Romances de Emmanuel 01] • Paulo E Estêvão Federação Espírita Brasileira (FEB)
[pt] [A vida no mundo espiritual 01] • Nosso Lar - Edição Especial Edicei of America