[en] [Bard 05] • Homecoming JET-Fueled Fiction
[en] [Fire Cursed Trilogy 03] • Judgement Day JET-Fueled Fiction
[en] [Night Hawk 0.50] • Lilith JET-Fueled Fiction
[en] [The Dracula Chronicles 01] • For Whom The Bell Tolls Shane KP O'Neill
[en] [The Dracula Chronicles 07] • Bound By Blood - Volume 2 Shane KP O'Neill
[en] [The Dracula Chronicles 0.50] • The Lamb Of God Shane KP O'Neill
[en] [Silverstar Mates 01] • Above the Storm Lea Kirk
[en] [The Devil's Lover 02] • The Resurrection Dahlia Lu
[en] [The Devil's Lover 01] • The Wish Dahlia Lu
[en] This Time of Night Maelstrom Books
[de] Jonathan Green - Vanishing Point - Fluchtpunkt - Pax Britannia Luzifer-Verlag
[en] Sword of the Gods · the Chosen One Seraphim Press
[en] [The Devil Of Oz 02] • Sins of Oz Smashwords
[en] Annabel Horton, Lost Witch of Salem Vera Jane Cook
[en] [Thirteen Roses 05] • Home Cairns Publishing
[en] [Thirteen Roses 04] • Alone Cairns Publishing
[en] [Thirteen Roses 03] • Beyond Cairns Publishing
[en] [Thirteen Roses 02] • After Cairns Publishing