Found 81 books

[en] The Witches' Ointment Park Street Press

Hatsis, Thomas

[en] Guises Necro Publications

Jacob, Charlee

[en] Gothic Lovecraft Crossroad Press

Jamneck, Lynne & Joshi, S T

[en] The Stone Dragon and Other Tragic Romances Valancourt Books

Gilchrist, R. Murray

[en] Damian [Marius Brothers 5] Siren Publishing

[en] Carrion Comfort Thomas Dunne Books/ St. Martin's Griffin

[en] The Twilight Zone TV Books

[en] Egregores Inner Traditions

[it] Danse Macabre Berkley

[en] [Doc Voodoo 02] • Crossfire Beating Windward Press LLC

[en] The Woods Are Dark Leisure Books

Laymon, Richard