[en] The Digital Mind, How Science is Redefining Humanity MIT Press
[en] Bringers of the Dawn Bear Company
[en] The Certainty of Uncertainty Imprint Academic
[en] The Mind, Consciousness, Prediction, and the Brain MIT Press
[en] [Power vs. Force 02] • I Veritas Publishing
[en] [Left Hand Adventures 01] • Heart of Stone CreateSpace
[en] Monkey on a Stick · Murder, Madness and the Hare Krishnas Houghton Mifflin Harcourt P
[en] You Didn’t Care Smashwords Edition
[en] Absorption · Phase 03 (The Eighteenth Shadow) Jon Lee Grafton Books
[en] Experiencing the Impossible, The Science of Magic The MIT Press
[en] Tangleshock Steve Games
[en] Zen Physics, the Science of Death, the Logic of Reincarnation First Edition Design Publishing
[en] Cosmic Disclosure · the Threat From Artificial Intelligence Cosmic Disclosure
[en] The Art of Mind Smashwords Edition
[en] After Life - Novella