[pt] Mrs. Dalloway - Edição Exclusiva Amazon Antofágica
[pt] [Thomas Cromwell 03] • O espelho e a luz Editorial Presença
[en] The Return Shirley Wine
[en] [Murder Collection 02] • The Murder Option 2 Pryde Multimedia, LLC
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[en] The Haunting of Jessop Rise Andersen Digital
[en] Heart of Gold Lacy Williams Books
[en] The Collection of Heng Souk Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
[en] [After the Event 04] • After the Event CreateSpace
[en] The Night Counter Crown
[en] Orphan of Asia (Modern Chinese Literature From Taiwan) Columbia University Press
[en] Orphan of Asia Columbia University Press
[en] The Sudden Weight of Snow Emblem Editions
[en] [Scott Drayco Mystery Series 03] • Dies Irae Crimetime Press
[pt] O Mistério Do Coelho Pensante E Outros Contos Rocco Jovens Leitores
[pt] Lendo J. M. Coetzee Editora UFSM