Found 27819 books

[en] Towards a New Socialism Spokesman

Cockshott, W. Paul & Cottrell, Allin F.

[en] Robot Sex, Social and Ethical Implications MIT Press

John Danaher & Neil McArthur & Danaher, John & McArthur, Neil

[en] Max Weber · The Lawyer as Social Thinker (Key Sociologists) Taylor & Francis

Turner, Stephen P. & Factor, Regis A.

[en] The Social Gospel of Jesus Fortress Press

Malina, Bruce J.

[fr] Recasting Anthropological Knowledge Inspiration and Social Science Cambridge University Press

Edwards, Jeanette & Petrovic-Steger, Maja

[en] LikeWar · The Weaponization of Social Media Eamon Dolan/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Singer, P.W. & Brooking, Emerson T.

[en] Women and Socialism Haymarket Books

[es] El pensamiento social de los católicos mexicanos Fondo de Cultura Económica

Blancarte, Roberto

[en] Construction of Social Reality The Free Press

Searle, John Rogers