[en] 10 Buçuk Bölümde Dünya Tarihi Afa Yayınları
[en] Sailing Home j. r. barnes
[tr] Bir Son Duygusu Ayrıntı Yayınları
[en] Kraj the Enforcer Down & Out Books
[hu] Felfelé folyik, hátrafelé lejt Partvonal Kiadó
[en] The Carlotta Carlyle Mysteries Volume One Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller
[en] me Aunt Jemima and the nailgun. Button Poetry
[en] How the Scot Stole the Bride Laura A. Barnes
[en] Deadly Little Scandals Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
[en] The Roguish Baron Sophie Barnes
[en] The Carlotta Carlyle Mysteries Volume One Open Road Media
[en] The Siren's Gentleman Laura A. Barnes
[nl] Engeland, Engeland Atlas Contact
[de] Das Spiel geht weiter cbt
[de] 003 - Der letzte Schachzug cbt
[en] [DI Melanie Watton 03] • The Cutter Bloodhound Books - crime, thriller and mystery