[en] The New Detective Severn House
[en] Helen Steiner Rice Barbour Publishing, Inc.
[en] A Love Letter to Whiskey: Fifth Anniversary Edition Kandi Steiner
[en] Foghorn Flattery and the Dancing Horses Open Road Media
[en] The Good Cop Severn House
[en] The Constant Man Severn House
[en] Foghorn Flattery and the Vanishing Rhinos Open Road Media
[en] Atlantis (Pocket Library of Spiritual Wisdom) Rudolf Steiner Press
[cs] Poslani pravdy
[cs] Anthroposofie Vrij Geestesleven Zeist
[cs] Projevy karmy Michael
[cs] Filosofie svobody Baltazar
[en] The Death of Tragedy (Faber Library) Open Road Media