[it] Enigmi (Testo a Fronte) Elliot
[it] L’uomo Che Diventò Donna Elliot
[en] Written in the Stars Pegasus Elliot MacKenzie Publishers
[fr] Riefenstahl Elliot
[it] Teoria Del Camminare Elliot
[it] La Dottrina Del Male Elliot
[es] [Las ciudades 02] • El Mundo Es Ansí Elliot's Books
[es] Muertes De Perro Elliot's Books
[en] [Shadows of the Night 01] • Ecliptica Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie
[it] Memorie di un giudice di campagna Elliot
[en] The Knotted House Pegasus Elliot MacKenzie Publishers
[en] The Beast of Bishop Pegasus Elliot MacKenzie Publishers
[it] Guerra e pace di Tolstoj Elliot
[en] [Legions of Lilith 01] • The Awakening Pegasus Elliot MacKenzie Publishers
[en] [Legions of Lilith 02] • Ghosts of the Past Pegasus Elliot MacKenzie Publishers
[it] Noi siamo il nostro cervello Elliot
[en] [Visigothic 01] • The Barbarians Of Midgard Pegasus Elliot MacKenzie Publishers