[en] The Gunners of August 1914 Pen & Sword Military
[en] Duty First Allen & Unwin
[en] Rise of the Tank Pen & Sword Books
[en] The Battles of French Flanders Pen & Sword Military
[en] Prisoners of the Kaiser Pen & Sword Books
[en] [The History of World War I 01] • Gallipoli & the Middle East 1914-1918 Amber Books Ltd
[en] The First World War Pen & Sword Military
[en] Machine Guns and the Great War Pen & Sword Military
[en] [Your Towns and Cities in the Great War 01] • Nottingham in the Great War Pen & Sword Military
[en] The Secrets of the Anzacs Scribe Publications Pty Ltd.
[en] Southend-On-Sea in the Great War Pen & Sword Military
[en] Operation Kronstadt The Overlook Press
[en] Thermopylae The Overlook Press
[en] Cardiff and the Valleys in the Great War Pen & Sword Military
[en] Monty and Rommel · Parallel Lives The Overlook Press
[en] [Images of War 01] • Flanders 1915 Pen & Sword Military
[en] Both Sides of the Wire Allen Unwin
[en] Forgotten Anzacs · the Campaign in Greece, 1941 Scribe UK