[fr] ISRAEL, le nouvel apartheid Éditions Les Liens qui libèrent
[fr] ISRAEL, Le Nouvel Apartheid Les Liens Qui Liberent
[en] Sorokin and Civilization Routledge
[de] Michel Michael CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
[fr] Un Enfant Du Pays Albin Michel
[fr] Le Syndrôme De Gepetto Albin Michel
[fr] Le Syndrôme De Gepetto Albin Michel
[fr] La Fille Tombée D'Un Rêve Albin Michel
[en] The First Dictionary of Psychoanalysis Routledge
[en] Paper Trail · Selected Prose, 1965-2003 Farrar Straus Giroux
[pt] Desejos Digitais · Uma Análise Sociológica Da Busca Por Parceiros On-Line Autêntica Editora
[en] A Political Genealogy of Joseph Conrad Lexington Books
[fr] La Vieille Dame qui avait trop dansé Pastichat - TAZ
[en] Women's Wiles Mystery Writers of America
Harrington, Joyce & Cohen, Stanley & Collins, Dorothy A. & Davis, Dorothy Salisbury & Deming, Richard & Dunlap, Susan & Ellin, Stanley & Hershman, Morris & Hershey, Kathleen & Hoch, Edward D. & Millar, Margaret & Moore, Richard A. & Pachter, Josh & Richter, Joan & Sisk, Frank & Treat, Lawrence & Woolrich, Cornell & Yaffe, James
[en] The Wind from the East Princeton University Press