Found 10 books

[en] Make · 3D Printing Projects Make Community, LLC

Brook Drumm, James Floyd Kelly, Brian Roe, Steven Bolin, John Edgar Park, John Baichtal, Rick Winscot, Nick Ernst & Cotter, Caleb

[en] Workshop Mastery With Jimmy DiResta Make Community, LLC

Baichtal, John & DiResta, Jimmy

[en] Maker Pro Maker Media, Inc

John Baichtal, Wendy Jehanara Tremayne, Andrew ‘bunnie' Huang, Sophi Kravitz, Mitch Altman, Jimmy DiResta, Eri Gentry, Tito Jankowski, Alex Dyba, Michael Krumpus, Susan Solarz, Rob Klingberg, Joe Meno & Gauntlett, David & Hord, Mike & Wolf, Adam

[en] Building With Virtual LEGO McGraw-Hill Education Tab

Baichtal, John

[en] 10 LED Projects for Geeks No Starch Press

Baichtal, John

[en] Minecraft for Makers Make Community, LLC

Baichtal, John

[en] Make Make Community, LLC

Baichtal, John