[en] Adult Children of Parental Alienation Syndrome: Breaking the Ties That Bind W. W. Norton Company
[en] Adult Children of Parental Alienation Syndrome W. W. Norton Company
[en] Co-Parenting With a Toxic Ex New Harbinger Publications
[en] Surviving Parental Alienation Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
[en] Bonded to the Abuser Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
[en] Daughters of the Mersey Headline
[en] The Woman at Number 19 · A Nail-Biting Psychological Thriller Bloodhound Books
[fr] Cassandra Au Mariage Editions Robert Laffont
[en] [Weddings, Marriage & Murder Culinary Cozy 01] • Til' Death Do Us Poisoned C Collins Publishing
Moss, N. West & Gerard, Sarah & Gray, Jim & Cailler, Mathieu & Trank, Lisa & West, Myrna & Garner, Anita & Hazelbaker, Amy & Chater, Veronica & Wachspress, Amy & Hellman, F. Libby & Forrester, Axel & Klym, Kendall & Moose, Ruth & Mancilla, Dan & Hendricks, Joan & Hill, Breanne & Younger, Sally & Poulin, Art & Kirk, John Van & Wertan, Lawrence & Turello, Donna & Phipps, Chris & Galef, David & Steinberg, Jim & Harrison, Pat & Hodges ,Bob