[de] Miss Global Village und der Müllsammler CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
[de] O Du Alpaka! · Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte Independently published
[en] Palm Invest Carrera
[en] By the Bay
[de] Die Sau im Porzellanladen Philipp von Zabern
[en] Richard the Lionheart · The Crusader King of England Amberley Publishing
[en] A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies (Penguin Classics) Penguin Books Ltd
[en] A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies Penguin Classics
[en] Remembering the Civil War Lyons Press
[en] Beauty Is a Verb Cinco Puntos Press
[en] Forgery and Counterforgery · the Use of Literary Deceit in Early Christian Polemics Oxford University Press
[en] Lost Scriptures · Books That Did Not Make It Into the New Testament Oxford University Press, USA