Found 17 books

[es] Manual per a dones de fer feines L'Altra editorial

[it] Sera in Paradiso Bollati Boringhieri

[hu] Este a paradicsomban Jelenkor Kiadó Kft.

[it] La Donna Che Scriveva Racconti Bollati Boringhieri

[ca] Un vespre al paradís L'Altra editorial

[en] Welcome Home Farrar, Straus and Giroux

[en] A Manual for Cleaning Women · Selected Stories Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Berlin, Lucia & Emerson, Stephen & Davis, Lydia

[en] Evening in Paradise Farrar, Straus and Giroux

[en] Where I Live Now Black Sparrow Press

[en] So Long Black Sparrow Press

[en] A Manual for Cleaning Women Farrar, Straus and Giroux

[es] Cuatro Ensayos Sobre La Libertad Alianza Editorial

Berlin, Isaiah