[en] Trophy House Simon & Schuster
[en] [Back Then 01] • Two Literary Lives in 1950s New York Harper Perennial
[en] What If? · Writing Exercises for Fiction Writers Longman Publishing Group
[en] The Man on the Third Floor The Permanent Press
[de] Was wäre wenn · Schreibübungen für Schriftsteller Alexander Verlag
[fr] Propaganda IG Publishing
[en] The Principia · the Authoritative Translation University of California Press
[fr] Omerta dans les labos pharmaceutiques Flammarion
[en] Mary Had a Little Lamb Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
[fr] La tabatière en or La Courte éChelle
[en] [The Briton and the Dane 05] • Timeline CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
[en] [The Briton and the Dane 00] • The Complete Trilogy 2nd Edition Createspace
[fr] La fille du Diable Editions du Rocher
[es] [Trilogía La primera pirámide 03] • El templo de Horus DEBOLS!LLO
[fr] Les enfants du volcan Presses de la Cité
[fr] Le Lys et les ombres Calmann-Lévy
[fr] La première pyramide I 3000 Ebooks Torrent
[fr] La première pyramide III Gallimard