Found 76 books

[en] The Dedalus Book of French Horror: The 19th Century Dedalus Limited

Heron, Liz & Hale, Terry & Soulié, Frédéric & Sue, Eugène & Dumas, Alexandre & Borel, Pétrus & Royer, Alphonse & Forneret, Xavier & Sade, Marquis de & Baudelaire, Charles & Mendès, Catulle & l’Isle-Adam, Villiers de & Richepin, Jean & Cros, Charles & Lermina, Jules & Bloy, Leon & Huysmans, J.K. & Haraucourt, Edmund & Harpe, La & Nodier, Charles & Nerval, Gérard de & Erckman-Chatrian & Rivière, Henri & Maupassant, Guy de & Gautier, Théophile & Lorrain, Jean

[fr] La Femme pauvre Bibebook

[es] La mujer pobre Editorial Mundo Moderno

[es] En tinieblas El Cobre

[es] Cuentos feroces ePubLibre

[fr] S'taupons Les Taupes ! Larousse

Blondel, Philippe

[en] Embroidery pour le Jardinier Harper Design

Sylvie Blondeau

[en] The Wizards of Odd · Comic Tales of Fantasy Souvenir Press

Haining, Peter & Pratchett, Terry & Dunsany, Lord & Collier, John & Kuttner, Henry & Russell, Eric Frank & Bradbury, Ray & Dick, Philip K. & Guin, Ursula K. Le & Donaldson, Stephen R. & Anstey, F. & Cabell, James Branch & Brown, Fredric & Leiber, Fritz & Bloch, Robert & Aldiss, Brian & Davidson, Avram & Adams, Douglas & Wells, H.G. & Lewis, C.S. & Bretnor, Reginald & Clarke, Arthur C. & Asimov, Isaac & Niven, Larry & Vonnegut-Jr., Kurt

[en] [Lords of Atlantis 04] • Sirens and Scales Pronoun

McAllen, Kellie & Creeden, Pauline & Blain, RJ & Knox, Gracely & Night, Starla & Kos, Gaja J. & Knorr, A.L. & Wicker, Bethany & Quinn, Ivy & Voss, Midnight & Brown, Natasha & Sravenheart, Isra & Alexander, Harper & Moore, C.S. & Glasneck, Tina & Fall, Carly & McMichael, B. Kristin & Owens, Natalie G. & Monodee, Zee & Silverbow, Konstanz & Jones, N.D. & Farren, Cate & Blount, Kelly Anne & Eaton, Jennifer M. & Laslie, Jennifer & Ruiz, Mindy & Leon, Katalina & Miers, D.D. & Soucy, Jessica & M., Kyoko

[en] The Secret History of Fantasy Tachyon Publications

Beagle, Peter S. & McHugh, Maureen F. & Maguire, Gregory & McKillip, Patricia A. & Boyle, T.C. & Millhauser, Steven & King, Stephen & Bisson, Terry & Block, Francesca Lia & Gaiman, Neil & Bender, Aimee & Ford, Jeffrey & Swanwick, Michael & Lethem, Jonathan & Clarke, Susanna & Butler, Octavia E. & Martel, Yann & Holdstock, Robert & Johnson, Kij & Guin, Ursula K. Le & Hartwell, David G.