Found 35 books

[en] Dispossession Polity Press

Butler, Judith, Athanasiou, Athena & Athanasiou, Athena

[en] The Judith Butler Reader Wiley-Blackwell

Salih, Sara & Butler, Judith

[en] Parting Ways Columbia University Press

Butler, Judith

[en] The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere Columbia University Press

Butler, Judith & Habermas, Jurgen & Taylor, Charles

[en] Subjects of Desire Columbia University Press

Butler, Judith & Sabot, Philippe & Young, Damon

[en] Soul and Form Columbia University Press

Lukacs, Georg & Butler, Judith & Sanders, John T.

[en] Antigone's Claim Columbia University Press

Butler, Judith

[fr] Rassemblement Fayard

Butler, Judith

[pt] Relatar a Si Mesmo Autêntica Editora

Butler, Judith

[es] Los Sentidos Del Sujeto Editorial Herder

Butler, Judith

[pt] Relatar a Si Mesmo Autêntica Editora

Butler, Judith

[en] On Antisemitism Haymarket Books

Butler, Judith