Found 56 books

[en] [Gutenberg 13660] • The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol II. Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Carlyle, Thomas & Emerson, Ralph Waldo

[de] [Gutenberg 18101] • [Einleitung zu:] Thomas Carlyle, Leben Schillers Forgotten Books

Carlyle, Thomas & Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

[en] The French Revolution a History Oxford University Press

Carlyle, Thomas

[es] De los héroes. Hombres representativos Editorial Océano

Thomas; Emerson, Ralph Waldo Carlyle

[en] The French Revolution Modern Library

Carlyle, Thomas

[en] [Gutenberg 38779] • Translations from the German (Vol 3 of 3): Tales by Musæus, Tieck, Richter Cambridge University Press

Carlyle, Thomas & Paul, Jean & Musäus, Johann Karl August & Tieck, Ludwig