[en] [Gutenberg 41280] • Christianity and Modern Thought American Unitarian Association
[de] Die beliebtesten Abenteuerromane (35 Klassiker der Jugendliteratur · Illustrierte Ausgabe) e-artnow
Twain, Mark & Verne, Jules & Cooper, James Fenimore & Melville, Herman & Swift, Jonathan & Dumas, Alexandre & Defoe, Daniel & Stevenson, Robert Louis & May, Karl & Scott, Walter & Salgari, Emilio & Poe, Edgar Allan & Dickens, Charles & Carroll, Lewis & Wyss, Johann David & Kipling, Rudyard & Marryat, Frederick Kapitän & Gerstäcker, Friedrich & Wörishöffer, Sophie & Schoppe, Amalie & Treller, Franz & Rhoden, Emmy von & Zschokke, Heinrich & Doyle, Arthur Conan
[en] Practicing Catholic Houghton Mifflin
[en] The Cloister Nan A. Talese
[en] The City Below Mariner Books
[en] The Newcomer (Science Fiction Anthologies, #1) Alasdair Shaw
[en] Christ Actually Viking
[en] Jerusalem, Jerusalem · How the Ancient City Ignited Our Modern World Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
[en] Constantine's Sword Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
[en] [Imaginarium 03] • The Best Canadian Speculative Writing ChiZine Publications
Esslemont, Ian C. & Ryman, Geoff & Moreno-Garcia, Silvia & Files, Gemma & Goldberg, Kim & Hopkinson, Nalo & Carroll, Siobhan & MacNeil, Tam & Chiykowski, Peter & Neville, Kim & Carson, Anne & Johnson, Matthew & Priest, Robert & Anderson, Colleen & Cayley, Kate & Giesbrecht, Jennifer & Howerow, Louisa & Doctorow, Cory & Das, Indrapramit & Conn, Jan & Wise, A.C. & Tolmie, Jane & Nickle, David & Crate, Joan & Friis, Laura & Graham, Neile & Villegas, Halli & Gavin, Richard & Richardson, Robin & Humphrey, Claire & Strantzas, Simon & Ashby, Madeline & Elza, Daniela & MacLeod, Catherine & El-Mohtar, Amal & Davidson, Craig & Arthur, James & Rooke, Leon & Sandra Kasturi
[en] Constantine's Sword · The Church and the Jews Mariner Books/Houghton Mifflin Co. (NY/Boston)
[en] Warburg in Rome Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
[en] The Bible · Authorized King James Version Oxford University Press
[en] The Bible · Authorized King James Version Oxford University Press
[en] Supply of Heroes Blackstone Publishing
[en] An American Requiem Mariner Books
[it] Alice, Dorothy & Wendy Mondadori.