[en] The Christmas Baby Mills Boon Love Inspired
[en] U Is for Underwear Archway Publishing
[en] The Rails to Love Romance Collection Barbour Books
[en] Carolina Reckoning Abingdon Fiction
[en] Beneath a Navajo Moon Abingdon Fiction
[en] Girdles and Ghouls: A Paranormal Women’s Fiction Halloween Collection Davis Boruff Productions
[en] The Christmas Bargain (Love Inspired) Love Inspired
[en] Stranded for the Holidays Love Inspired
[en] Stranded for the Holidays (Love Inspired) Love Inspired
[en] Beneath a Navajo Moon Abingdon Press
[en] A Mother's Homecoming Love Inspired
[en] The Twin Bargain Love Inspired
[en] The Twin Bargain (Love Inspired) Love Inspired
[en] The Deputy's Perfect Match (Love Inspired) Love Inspired
[en] A Mother's Homecoming (Love Inspired) Love Inspired
[en] The Christmas Baby (Love Inspired) Love Inspired
[en] The Bachelor's Unexpected Family Love Inspired
[en] Voltaire's Calligrapher Harper Perennial