Found 35 books

[en] The American Heiress Brides Collection - Lisa Carter, Mary Davis, Susanne Dietze, Anita Mae Draper, Patty Smith Hall, Cynthia Hickey, Lisa Karon Richardson, Lynette Sowell, et al (retail) Barbour Books

Carter, Lisa Cox & Draper, Anita Mae & Hall, Patty Smith & Hickey, Cynthia & Sowell, Lynette & Woodhouse, Kimberley & Richardson, Lisa Karon & Dietze, Susanne

[en] The Christmas Baby Mills Boon Love Inspired

[en] U Is for Underwear Archway Publishing

[en] The Rails to Love Romance Collection Barbour Books

Brandmeyer, Diana Lesire & Cabot, Amanda & Carter, Lisa

[en] Carolina Reckoning Abingdon Fiction

[en] Beneath a Navajo Moon Abingdon Fiction

[en] Girdles and Ghouls: A Paranormal Women’s Fiction Halloween Collection Davis Boruff Productions

Boruff, L.A. & Carter Andersen, Lacey & Davis, Lia & Scott, Helen & Bond Collins, Margo & Wilson, Terri A. & Hart, Jennifer L. & Winters, Ella & West, Ruby & Moseman, Kate & O'Keene, Katie & Moore, Daphne & Parrish, Kat & Manifold, Lisa & McKeever, Kate

[en] Stranded for the Holidays Love Inspired

[en] Beneath a Navajo Moon Abingdon Press

[en] A Mother's Homecoming Love Inspired

[en] The Twin Bargain Love Inspired

[en] Voltaire's Calligrapher Harper Perennial

Santis, Pablo De & Carter, Lisa