[pt] 28 Contos De John Cheever Companhia das Letras
[en] The Journals of John Cheever (Vintage International) Vintage
[en] The Journals of John Cheever Vintage
[en] The Stories of John Cheever Vintage
[fr] L'Homme De Ses Rêves Joëlle Losfeld
[en] The Jewels of the Cabots Vintage
[es] Parecia Un Paraiso Emece Editores
[es] Bullet Park Emece Editores
[en] Oh What a Paradise It Seems Vintage
[en] Bullet Park Vintage
[de] Ach, dieses Paradies DuMont Verlag
[en] Falconer (Vintage International) Vintage
[en] Fall River and Other Uncollected Stories Academy Chicago Publishers
[es] Relatos II Editorial Planeta