[en] Why Wall Street Matters Random House
[en] Four Friends Flatiron Books
[en] Money and Power Anchor
[en] The Last Tycoons Anchor
[en] Money and Power · How Goldman Sachs Came to Rule the World Doubleday
[en] House of Cards Doubleday
[en] The last tycoons · The secret history of Lazard Frères & Co Doubleday
[en] 10-Story Detective April 1949 10-Story Detective
[en] C++ Cookbook O'Reilly Media
[en] The Ph.D. Process · A Student's Guide to Graduate School in the Sciences Oxford University Press, USA
[en] [Wonders of Brian Cox 07] • The Planets William Collins
[en] Forces of Nature William Collins
[en] [Wonders of Brian Cox 04] • Human Universe William Collins
[en] The Will of Missouri Woodneath Press
[en] Stereo Operative Atlas of Micro Ear Surgery Springer
[it] La Mia Rivoluzione Bompiani
[es] [Mundodisco: La ciencia de Mundodisco 02] • El Globo ePubLibre
[en] Shakespeare’s Face Atria Books