[en] The Stranger in the Mirror Harper
[en] The Last Time I Saw You Harper
[en] [Mrs. Parrish 02] • The Next Mrs. Parrish Bantam
[nl] De laatste getuige HarperCollins Holland
[hu] Az utolsó Mrs. Parrish HarperCollins Magyarország Kft.
[hu] Amikor utoljára láttalak Vinton Kiadó Kft.
[en] The Wife Stalker HarperCollins Publishers
[nl] De Laatste Getuige HarperCollins | Uitgeverij HarperCollins Holland
[nl] Het Perfecte Leven Van Mevrouw Parrish (2018) HarperCollins Holland
[pt] A outra sra. Parrish Harperluxe
[en] The Last Mrs. Parrish Harper
[es] La conspiración de la señora Parrish HarperCollins Ibérica S.A.