Found 38 books

[en] The Art & Illustration of Walter Crane Dover Publications

Crane, Walter & Menges, Jeff A.

[de] Esther, das Wunderschwein btb Verlag (Goldmann)

Jenkins, Steve & Walter, Derek & Crane, Caprice

[en] [Gutenberg 25418] • The Baby's Opera London and New York: Warne

[en] The Frog Prince and Other Stories Abela Publishing

Anonymous & Walter Crane

[en] Frog Prince and Other Stories, The Abela Publishing

Anonymous & Walter Crane

[en] [Gutenberg 25433] • The Baby's Own Aesop USAbesellerdotcom

Aesop & Crane, Walter

[en] Esther the Wonder Pig · Changing the World One Heart at a Time Grand Central Publishing

Jenkins, Steve & Walter, Derek & Crane, Caprice

[en] Line and Form eKitap Projesi