[en] Delphi Collected Works of René Descartes Delphi Classics
[fi] [Gutenberg 15085] • Metodin esitys / Mielenliikutuksien tutkistelu. Metafyysillisiä mietelmiä. Lighthouse Books for Translation and Publishing
[pt] Meditações Metafísicas EdiPro
[pt] Discurso do Método Acrópolis
[es] Discurso del método Sarpe
[de] Abhandlung über die Methode, richtig zu denken und Wahrheit in den Wissenschaften zu suchen CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
[en] Discourse on the Method Duke Classics
[en] Discourse on Method Hackett
[pt] Discurso do Método Mimética
[it] Opere Filosofiche Laterza
[fr] Discours De La Méthode (1637) SKIRA
[fr] Méditations Echos du maquis
[pt] O Discurso Do Método Coisas de Ler
[en] Discourse on Method and the Meditations Penguin Group (USA)
[fr] Méditations Métaphysiques Editions Flammarion
[es] Meditaciones Sobre La Existencia De Dios Taurus
[en] [Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy 01] • Meditations, Objections, and Replies (Hackett Classics) Cambridge University Press
[en] [Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy 01] • Meditations on First Philosophy Oxford University Press
[fr] La Recherche De La Vérité Par La Lumière Naturelle Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad Complutense
[en] Meditations Penguin Books Ltd